
best 5 star hotels in kota

Best 5 Star Hotels in Kota /   A five star rating is a system used to measure luxury in hotels, with one representing the worst rating and five depicting the best rating. History of hotels in India can be traced back to the ancient Buddhist and Hindu monks, who were the first to establish the Institution of providing shelters and hospitable services to pilgrims,tavellers, tourists, wayfarers and sightseers. Cave temples were the very first set of "hotels" to be established in ancient India. It is very important to note that the first set of hospitality providers received absolutely nothing in return for their charitable deeds. However, tourists,merchants and pilgrims donated extensively to the good cause, so as to uphold the charitable institution. Things took another dimension with the advent of British colonizers,whose incursion into the Indian subcontinent, led to the creation of a diversified form of hotels,which were mainly constructed in